
Bees and Pollinators

Pollinator Conservation

Pollinators are a keystone species in most terrestrial ecosystems, crucial for biodiversity and pollination of our most nutritious foods. They are in serious decline due largely to excessive pesticide use, habitat loss and land fragmentation. Introduced diseases and climate change also contribute to ongoing pollinator decline. Human intervention is the overall cause of this problem and we also know the solutions to this crisis, but we need to act now. Understanding pollinators and sharing knowledge is a big step towards saving this important keystone species.

Who Are The Pollinators

Native bees


Honey bees

Some birds

Butterflies, moths and skippers

Bats (mostly in warmer climates)


Some flies

Critical Species Population Status

Pollinator Identification and Biology

Wasp identification pdf

Native bee identification and monitoring booklet

Bumble bee identification & lifecycle pdf

Butterfly lifecycle and habitat booklet

Links to Resources

Pollinator Conservation

Pollinator Identification
