Gardeners to the rescue

On a chilly spring day, just shy of 100 volunteers showed up with shovels in hand. A Minnesota grassroots conservation group, Pollinator Friendly Alliance, is taking species decline serious and put a call to action out for volunteer gardeners to come to the rescue.  As part of Pollinator Friendly Alliance’s mission to increase habitat, a wildlife corridor with 2,500 native wildflowers for pollinators was planted on Saturday, May 21st.  The corridor runs along the edge of a 23-acre conversion from soy beans to native shortgrass prairie. The wildflower corridor will be a plant propagation area where seed can be harvested and used to enhance and restore other habitat areas in Washington County Parks.  This is a partner project with Washington County Parks, Lakewinds Food Co-op, LUSH Cosmetics and Pollinator Friendly Alliance.


Glyphosate study finds harm to bumblebees


Advocate for Habitat