People Not Polluters

Pile of Pesticide Coated Seed

Pollinator Friendly Alliance is proud to join People Not Polluters, launching today!  A grassroots coalition of people and conservation groups that, together, want to make Minnesota a national leader in environmental protection.  But for years now, state agencies and leadership routinely side with polluters, not people.  We know that environmental health equals healthy food, healthy pollinators, clean water and lands, and healthy lives. One important issue for pollinators is the regulatory failure of pesticide coated seed in Minnesota. The Department of Agriculture ignores our repeated requests to regulate coated seed like a pesticide -because it is. The seed coating drifts when planted, it contaminates our water and soil and food with pesticides, and the seed itself is killing pollinators and birds, and making terrestrial animals like deer, grassland birds and otters sick.

Find out more, and what you can do to help:

Star Tribune: Environmental groups say Minnesota failed to stop polluters, should hold statehouse hearings on enforcement (June 10, 2024)

Minnesota Reformer: Environmental groups call for hearings over MPCA issues (June 10, 2024)


Pollinator Park at Mulberry Creek


Why the Farm Bill is important