Pollinator Park at Mulberry Creek

Bee a Pollinator Hero

Sponsor the care and materials for the pollinator park for one year $5,000

  • Your name and sponsorship will be posted on signage at the pollinator park.

  • We will announce your sponsorship over social media, and live at the fall garden event at the pollinator park.

  • You will do something great for pollinators, birds and help protect clean water downstream to the St. Croix River.

  • Contact laurie@pollinatorfriendly.org to find out more.

Powered by our volunteers and partners, Pollinator Friendly Alliance restores pollinator habitats large and small. Collaboratively, we are dedicated to restoring 1,000 acres into biodiverse pollinator habitat using regenerative practices such as animal grazing, timed mowing, controlled burns, soil enrichment and cover or smother cropping. We do not use chemicals and by replacing these lots with habitat, we’ve removed all pesticide and herbicide use from that land. Instead, the native plant roots provide water filtration for cleaner water.

The Pollinator Park at Mulberry Creek in Stillwater was our first restoration. Established in 2015 at 523 Owens Street, Stillwater, this five lot city-owned area was converted from turf to prairie, pollinator lawn and flower garden. The city’s water reservoir rests underneath and the historic pumphouse resides here. The popular Mulberry Creek trail runs alongside and down to the beautiful St. Croix River. Read more about the installation and progress here . . .

Pollinator Friendly Alliance has been managing this park since 2014 with volunteer and paid native gardeners. It takes time, care and materials to keep this community jewel beautiful and vibrant.


Shocking and shameful


People Not Polluters